Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 23-year-old female agriculture student on master level in Germany.

Then please explain this to me. Good. That's me. I have thoughts. You are the little person, who is not in the computer? No, exactly. Exactly. I'm the little person who is not in the computer. I have thoughts or I do something. Now I didn't know how to paint the doing. This is here/ The doing is the cloud is or is that this? This is the cloud. That's the doing, that's the thoughts. I transfer them in a way to the Internet. So it should now stand for the infinite Internet, can also be a mobile phone or something like that. The computer screen, yes. Exactly. And any/ Okay, it's actually relative/ Because I really don't know anything about it. Any numbers or standard things match that with my thoughts and try to create a computer-me from me or a/ Yes. I, how I should/adjust it as much as possible. Okay. So to match me, my computer me. So this is the cycle here and then/ Exactly. Good. Great. Then once again a very general question and that is: How did you learn about how algorithms work? How? I don't know. Really. Probably through freaky movies. A bit like horror scenarios. Can you think of one spontaneously? Yes, "You are wanted." Yes. Exactly. It's a little bit like that where everything is controlled a little bit. And algorithms/ Well, as I've learned about it, I couldn't say exactly now. So I did not consciously inform myself about it actually. Only when you see something like that from time to time. Newspaper articles or something. Okay. Is there anything there for you lately/ Can you think of an example or something? Mhm [negative].