Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 29-year-old male freelance industrial designer in Germany.

First of all I would ask you to draw again, this time: Please show me how an algorithm works. Again similar defaults: sketch. How does an algorithm work? Yes, exactly. Yes. Could you explain to me again what you drew there? All right. I drew a square in the middle. That's my algorithm and algorithms now. Yes, normally, what you use it for now is to do things, very generally speaking. So that can be anything. So algorithm is actually just a formula that is tailored to something special. In other words, there is usually a data input and a data output. And that is shown here. Depending on what comes in, maybe something completely different comes out. Depending on what you have written for an algorithm, it works quite differently. That is, these different types of arrows... Exactly, these are just the different... What an algorithm this is. You get a huge amount of data in, you get a result out. You get a small amount of data in and you get a huge amount of data out. So they are different data inputs and different data outputs. Depending on. Exactly. With the different types of arrows. Exactly. Super. In general: How did you learn something about how algorithms work? A colleague in the office is a programmer, online marketing type and I got a lot of information about it from him and how... So I mean, I can't write and understand it myself, but yes. How did this come about? Oh, conversation. When I tell him how design theory works, he tells me how he does it and what and how and where. So that's been your source of information to... Yes, and I programmed a few things myself. Little things based on algorithms. So it goes from less complex to extreme. Ultimate Brainfuck. And that's what I wanted to show with it. Well, that's actually only the basis. What you do with it is up to the person who programs it.