Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 23-year-old male law student in Germany.

I ask you once again to explain to me what you have drawn. Your initial question was? How does an algorithm work? How does an algorithm work? I drew: a, I believe, at first glance, somewhat confusing or very complex mathematical process and yes. I think an algorithm is something you do not understand first and an algorithm contains or is a complex mathematical formula that consists of a bunch of variables and these variables are filled from sources you might not have before / that the programmer but as a layman one does not know or understand exactly where it comes from, and that is not just a string of five hundred, or here in my concrete example now perhaps thirty characters, but much more, and then altogether maybe five hundred characters and then a result comes out. And the result is based, as it were, on the initial question, which is not concretely posed, but arises from the variables that have been filled. And that's how I imagine an algorithm. Well here, that's the algorithm, so to speak. Then you have open brackets; these are the individual variables. Exactly. Exactly. A, b and c are what for example? Yes, a, b, c are sort of like that, almost stochastically like that: That's kind of the name that now came up with // Okay. Super. Information that // Exactly. Any information that is actually quite clear, and those sources that I drew behind it, are more like queries, what I imagine at least. Queries from: Which video was last? Or what preferences does the person have? And yes, where has she lived so far? So still vague so to speak and yes, such questions or such algorithms or yes, no, such variables are en masse and // And that is then added together by many. Right? Exactly. With more, maybe even things that were previously clear, which may have become uncertain now and things that I have reaffirmed in fact, things where it was less affirmed and then in the result is the result there, what has been asked. Or even, what has been intended. Okay. Super. Then generally asked: How did you learn about how algorithms work? I, so I know / oh no, different. Exactly. So I kinda have a bit too, yes, how can I say? I educated myself on the topic in the sense of having watched an interview, what is meant by it and only knows or knows that the algorithm of logarithm has the most serious difference, that the logarithm is fixed and the algorithm continues to develop. And that's why it's so vague in my drawing by the way, because it's just a bit / one does not quite have an overview of it and you may see things that you would not have seen anything at first glance. And yes, exactly. Algorithm, above all, because it is also talked about insanely often, is such a concept in my ear, which has led me to at least look it up. Okay. So it came out of self-interest that you informed yourself? Oh, yes.