Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 22-year-old male economics student on bachelor level in Germany.

Can you briefly explain again what you drew there? So that's the computer language for me, so now theoretically, somebody is sitting at the PC, writing some question or talking in his mobile phone, that's just converted into this code and, I'd say, from each of the code... The code of zeros and ones? ... Exactly, that's where out of every section becomes, I don't know if that means anything at all, but out of every section a question or a further procedure for the algorithm is created. So for example, I'd say now, the 1001 means that it must go simply to the instruction 10011, from that there are then again possibilities. In the end there are just, I say/ so that just quite a lot of steps are taken to offer the user a result again at the end. So the step from there to there, that's the algorithm so to speak// That's theoretically what we/ so that's our question, that's the answer shown, and that's all in there -- just the computing or the working of the computer or the algorithm itself. And now I'll just say: It takes different ways, then suddenly notices okay, I can't find a solution here, so my programming now tells me that I have to try this out. If that doesn't work, I try this out and so on. At some point I come to a result. OK. Cool. Great. Finally, I ask a general question: How did you learn something about how algorithms work? Quite roughly through my girlfriend, because she studies computer science. So like, "yes and then we/ and now we have to build an algorithm that tells us the right playback for the video on every device or something." So, because she has to program an app right now. And otherwise, I don't know, that's the way it is/ That exists somewhere you know, it's there, but I say/ So in my eyes: Anyone who doesn't really have a clue about computers can't really interpret it [algortihms] or decode it, I'd say. Why not? Because I think there are so many things behind it, because it's not a one-to-one command, but a question and endless possibilities, that could come out of it. And I think programming something like that has to be really complicated. That's why I'm just assuming that computer scientists will understand it better. They see it like this, "Ah, okay, that's cool, with this and that branches," whatever. And every other person just thinks - "It works." How is that when your girlfriend explained that to you, did you have the feeling that you could understand that? There were a lot of letter combinations, I'd say, [laughs] that didn't tell me anything/ but all in all, so yeah, I'll just say: "And then we have to do an X and L thing somewhere, because that can communicate with https". Then you sit like that, okay, so something talks to something but what exactly, I don't know. OK. [laughs]