Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 35-year-old male architect in Germany.

...to explain to me what you drew. Well, that's me and I divide into points that can be anything. So character, interest, hobby so to speak personality broken down into individual things. And these facets that make up personality, the... that's where the algorithm comes into play, so it taps into all these things through the things I use. So the things that he can retrieve about me and bundles them back into a ME 2.0. So that doesn't have to be identical to what I am, but it's like an image of it. That is, how does the algorithm work? This is what the algorithm does? The one that divides where the lines are wavy? Exactly. OK. So, then in general: How did you learn about how algorithms work? So I still have a basic knowledge from math lessons at school. But back then, that was a while ago, and then it was like something really big that you couldn't explain in some way. And then, at some point, it was really possible to experience in the media what it was or what it could mean. And that interests me in a way, but technically I'm not really able to describe it in detail. Can you give me then again... so medially means where, in which contexts did it appear? Well, there are, I think, where I picked it up once, that's just this development of these big IT companies. Be it now, everything from the social media sector or the consumer sector. They have already come under fire because this profiling is quite obviously an instrument of power, and that's what I've actually heard about it. OK.