Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 44-year-old female school teacher in Hungay.

Well, I'd like to ask for another picture.   Yes?   How does an algorithm work?   Jesus, I can't draw it.   Have you ever heard of the word algorithm?   Yes, I've heard of it.    Yes.   I don't know. I don't want to say anything too stupid, but maybe it's a copy… I don't know… so that it recognizes… so maybe I can rather compare it to biology, this is DNA transcription or I don't know. It registers the information, and detects them and then it builds a similar one or…   And could you draw this somehow? This turned out very nice by the way.   What shall I draw for you? A DNA?   Of course.   Or do I draw an RNA? I don't know. Here I should draw a copy or something and how it uses the information and then adds new ones.   Good, it really doesn't have to be so artistic. This turned out way more artistic than we expected.   I just need an image of it. Let's have another information again.   Information. Good, letter i.   And then there's more of it, or it has more parts to I t. And then the algorithm comes right here, but let's draw it.   What is this?   This was a sort of DNA-like something, but it isn't twisted yet… so let's say it removes these little letters "i"s and then messages them and copies them. Here should be that, here... well, it isn't exactly copying and pasting... but… Let's put a plus sign on it, because it is adding something to it from the outside. And then a ... let's say it becomes.... different kind of letters "i"s.   Different what???   It makes a different kind of letter "i" because it adds something extra to it. This might be a huge craziness what I'm saying, but…   No. It's fine. Would you write DNA here? Just that it is,  ... or it isn't? Only if you think so.   Copy.   Copy, good.   Copy, then plus. Plus the outside information and then it makes from this little "i" a big one that contains the extra information also.   Okay, thanks. And how did you learn about the algorithm, what it means at all?   I never learned about it.   Where did you hear about it?   I don't remember where I heard of it. Let's say at college.    What major were you?   At first I was a horticultural specialist, but it was a long time ago, I started that in 93. And then everything was still at the very beginning stages, but we had IT class and I went to class B too, there we studied website editing, and we had to write html codes, so it wasn't that easy. And then we also learned different things ... as I said it was a long time ago, about algorithms... what they do, then later on when I majored in English, but then didn't learn about them any more,  because it was my second degree, there was no IT class. No.