Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 30-year-old female store clerk and seamstress in Hungary.

I'd like another drawing. Now, please draw how an algorithm works.   Oh, my God.   But in the meantime, feel free to explain, because it is quite difficult for everyone.   I have no idea, really, how do I start at all? I don't know. So, I could write mathematical formulas for you, but what do I know…   Write something then!   What I know is, I don't know why I write in English, but ... I don't really know what to write.   And then this….   The problem is, yes, so I don't know, so I basically think that for these algorithms, somehow there might be a specific answer, that basically an answer to a question is written in there, let's say, or more options. And then, from among those options it chooses how.... well, I guess, there's that kind of leeway, it chooses from 5-6 answers, or so, it chooses randomly what it gives as response.   So, here you wrote how you are.   I can't draw it.    And then…   Well, yes, and then it calculates it with mathematical formulas and then let's say ... fine ... What other answers are there?   Sad.   Yeah. Thanks. And then, well, I don't know, these two options, and then it decides on one, I don't know how to write that.   Okay.   Or how to draw. I just don't know how to start it, I'm sorry.   No, that's perfectly good.