Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 69-year-old female retired IT professional in Hungary.

All right, then I would have another request for a drawing. Which is to ask you to draw how an algorithm works. And while you are drawing you can say what you are drawing or we can discuss it afterwards.   Definitions, statements, questions.   So now you are writing these words.   These must be decided.   What does that mean?Branches?   Ahem. Roughly.   Can you somehow do this in the form of a drawing? Ot doesn't have to be particularly artistic. So here are two rectangle with arrows. Instructions.   Here and here, too.   Alright, thank you. And then what does this look like here? So where do they go? So that is the definition, good. What's that?   This? If.   Yes, I see.   Then these are the no-s and these are the yes-es. And then instruction. What it has to do in this case, what it has to do in that case?   Yeah. And then is there something at the end? Or is that all?   Well, at the end…   But that's good, that's enough. I just wanted to know, you mentioned the word algorithm while we were talking, where did you hear it or when did you hear it or what do you know about it?   Well since I was 18.   Because then what did you do?   They wasn't accepted to medical school and so I went to the electric energy research institute to work as an operator on an Armenian computer called Razdan 3.   What was the name?   Razdan 3.   Razdan 3? So you've been dealing with things like this ever since?   Yes.   And did you continue to do that in your profession?   Yes.   What was your profession?   I was a software engineer    You were a software engineer, I understand. Very well.    But as you can see, not in object-oriented, but in the old one.