Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 35-year-old male IT personnel to the local government in Hungary.

My other drawing request would be for you to draw on this half of the paper, how an algorithm works. And in the meantime, say what you are drawing. Here are three squares. What did you write there? Input. So there are…. Input. Data? Yeah. It does not matter. For example, ingredients. Yes. To make lemonade, not just throw it all in and maybe mix it up. It is already a mechanism, so in order for the end result to exist, it needs different variables. I would call them variables. That there is something that needs to be done to make this in itself insufficient data into something. Or… I don't know, how well it's understandable this way. From what data? I didn't understand the word. From initial data. From initial data should be something, yeah. Okay. I would do it this way. All right, thanks.