Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 28-year-old male continuing education film major in the US.

The other one is, please draw how an algorithm works. He looks at me like I'm crazy. [Respondent laughs in response to my narration.] You can ... Narrate this because I'll keep this on. Okay. I created a square and I wrote voice in it. Mm-hmm (affirmative). Voice meaning you're speaking to the voice app. Okay. Then you'll say a word, lets say you'll say "program". It's confused on what you actually mean by it and then you clarify and say application. Then it says, "Okay, got that." Then next time you say program it knows you mean application. Okay and so that's how an algorithm works? Yes. It learns from what you're doing or something? Is that it? Correct. Okay. Okay. I wonder if ... Yeah, that's fine. This last line doesn't quite compute what you said, but that's okay. Oh, I am so sorry. Well lets see. No, no. It's fine. Okay, okay. Got it. No, that's okay. It's fine. No, I mean this is the last thing so it's fine. We'll have the comments. Have you ever heard of the term algorithm before? Yes. In what context? Probably when I was ... Really the same context as you in a sense. Somebody will say there is an algorithm for your searching. Okay. Is this someone in your surroundings or something? Yeah, because I know a lot of computer nerds. Got it. Okay.