Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 24-year-old female nonprofit grant writer in the US.

Okay. I have another drawing request. This time I'll leave it on so you can narrate. Please draw how an algorithm works. [draws in silence] You're drawing lines. Yes. Oh yeah. I'll narrate. So I guess drawing all kinds of information being fed into something to an algorithm or a system and then, being spat out different ways maybe. Although, I will say that this is ... I truly could not tell you how an algorithm works but that's my attempt of information coming in, funneled in, and spat out. Okay. Have you heard about the term algorithm before? Yes. In what context? How? In I guess insignificantly hearing it. It's certainly not something that I don't ... it's not a term that I would exchange in conversation. So where do you think you've come across it? In ... I don't know. It's one of those words that you hear and you're like, "Oh yes, an algorithm. I know that." And then, somebody says, "Do you?" And you're like, "Well?" I also my first thought is honestly like sci-fi movies or something where somebody is like, "We're running the algorithm." And I'm like, "Oh yes, absolutely you are." But it's not my thing. What was the word you said? We're what the algorithm, in the sci-fi movie? Running the algorithm. Running. Okay. Right, got it. Yeah.