Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 27-year-old female biology master's student in the US.

So I have another drawing request, and I'll keep the recorder on so you can narrate your drawing. So if you could please draw how an algorithm works. Oh, how an algorithm ... okay, so I'm going to draw, I'm writing out the word "input", I don't even know. Is it imput or input? Whatever. You know what I mean? Mm-hmm (affirmative). There's an input and then there's probably a chain, I'm drawing arrows, and there's like a chain of like things that happened that transform what you input into decipherable code, right? And then after that code, that code gets read. It's almost kinda DNA, and that code gets read, and then also it's translated again into some other code probably. And then eventually, I mean, I don't know how long this chain is, but eventually it gets transformed into the output that you are looking for. So if my input was the word "star" on the computer, again, yeah, it would go through this whole process of transformation and then the output would be the thing that I was searching for, like the star. I'm trying to think, algorithm. I know with coding, there's a bunch of pathways. I guess that's what I just drew, a pathway. I'm just going to put the word "coding" here in brackets, and algorithm. Oh, but also, it's not necessarily linear, right? It could go that way [add line going in another direction], but my star input could also be, I dunno, there could be other pathways that it goes to to get the same ... Okay. It's not consistent but you get it. So multiple pathways, yeah, to get to the same thing. Yeah. Did you say ... earlier you said it's like TNA? Oh, DNA. DNA. Okay. Could you say more about that- Yeah, so it's like, what I meant about by DNA is like, it's like system of like ... so DNA has a bunch of codes for things, codes for proteins, but the way that it's done is not ... how it starts out is never how it ends up, I guess. And so there's like associated ... with these numbers [points to zeros and ones], these would be the associated numbers [points to resulting batch of numbers]. So every time there's a one here, you would put a two. I didn't do it well here, but every time there's a one, there'd be a two, right. And every time there's a zero, maybe there's a five or something like that. So that's one way it could be associated, or you can associate it in groups of three, where these three numbers, when grouped together, mean two, or are STA, and then these three represent R, and things that. Yeah. Great. How have you come across the term algorithm before? I do statistics and I use a program called R, and so I'll put in types of coding and algorithms to output some sort of statistical thing. So definitely that. Also, I have programming friends. I mean, I don't have a really good idea for what they do, but yeah. Okay.