Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 66-year-old female retired technology consultant in the US.

Okay. I have one more drawing question. This time is if you could please draw how an algorithm works. Draw how an algorithm works? Yes, and I'm going to leave this on so you can narrate your drawing. Oh, man. How would I draw how an algorithm works? I would say that it would be a set of inputs [draws parallel lines] that would go into a processing engine, which would have an algorithm in it to take those inputs and would operate on those inputs and would in turn come up with a result that would be an outcome. I think it would be something as simple as that, and that algorithm could be as simple or as complicated as required based on the types of inputs you want and the type of output you want. I mean the type of input you're going to feed into it and the output that you're likely going to get. Okay, great. Where have you heard of the term "algorithm" before? Because you'd mentioned it before, so clearly you've heard of it. Oh. As part of my education in math and physics, and then most recently the word "algorithm" coming from the Arabic back when, in terms of how that word came about. But I would say in school. Okay. Okay. That's where you learned about it? Yes. Okay.