Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 66-year-old male retired MBA marketing in the US.

Okay. So as a last thing, can you please draw how an algorithm works? Oh my god. The answer would be no. I have absolutely ... I was a Medieval French major. I could not begin. I would love to cooperate. I'm not meaning to be a pain in the ass. I have absolutely no idea how an algorithm works. Absolutely no idea. That's okay. Have you heard of the term algorithm? I have heard of the term. In what context? Do you know? That algorithms do all these magical things of predicting what you're going to do next based on what you've done in the past because they take the data they've got and all these people who are into STEM, God bless them, have figured out ways to tell you what you're gonna do. But you don't want to draw that? No. Because I would have absolutely, literally, I would have no idea how to draw that. Okay. No problem. And in what context would you have heard of algorithms? AI maybe? AI being? Artificial intelligence. But I mean, why do you hear about that? Because it's in the paper. I see. So in the media, basically? In the media, basically.