Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 39-year-old female graduate student of international studies, from Cuba in the US.

Okay, so I have another drawing question and this time I'll leave this on so you can narrate. Can you draw how an algorithm works? How an algorithm works? If that's basic math, I would draw here like a bunch of Greek letters and variants like x and then whatever. And then this is multiply by this Greek letter and this would be something that belong to the kingdom of real numbers. And this go from N to and four blah blah blah. But then this is feed by the different variances. X is coming from Alexa and then sigma is coming from Google maps, and then this one that I don’t know how to name is coming from, I don't know, Barnes and Noble. Okay. So we will process anything. It will get a number that is referred to how likely each that probability of buying a new Michelle Obama book and products. And that will go to a series of apps like showing their YouTube. Send an email, “we love you. That's why we like you to recommend you this.” And then, I don't know. So flying banners in Google. Okay, so those are ads? Ads? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's just when I started, they were banners. Long time ago. And so you'd mentioned that you, I mean, where do you tend to learn about or hear about the term algorithm? I've been known 1998, 1999. You've heard about it for a long time. Yeah.