Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 32-year-old female with a health master's, looking for work in the US.

You can doodle something. Okay. The only thing in my mind is a whole bunch of zeroes and ones because that's what I know computer programs to like be in code. Then, eventually it takes all of that and it narrows it down into maybe a pool of other zeroes and ones. Maybe I'm searching for something, and it finds that other users who have searched for the same thing have also liked similar products. Then, it narrows that down to well maybe these are the specific types of products that she likes. So, A, B, C, and then it presents that to me in my search options. Then, as I click on either A, B, C, D, it collects that information to reuse again for when someone else searches for a similar thing. [at the end draws line that loops back up to initial search] Okay. So, you were the one who mentioned algorithms, so I may have asked you this already, but where did you ever hear of that or how would you know anything about it? I really don't know. I mean, I took one computer science class at Smith. I don't know if that ever came up. My husband as I said is in IT, so I don't know if maybe just through his language I picked it up, but I just know technology is a very advanced thing, but all of it is programming. That's the technology behind it. So, I don't know like breakdown how it works, but I feel like the overall concept I kind of have a general idea of. Sure. Yeah.