Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 51-year-old female IP attorney in the US.

What does that say? What part? [laughs] Okay. I'm writing it like an equation. Okay. You mind if I look at my- No, you cannot look at your phone. Oh, I can't look at my phone. okay. Just what you think it is. It's been so long since I've used math. [longer pause - drawing noise] Okay. An algorithm- I see. -is some complicated set of instructions that a computer follows to reach a certain result. Okay. Where have you heard the term before? In my practice, in my practice that some of my clients have algorithms to do that, that automates the automated tasks. Okay. Do you remember, like, do you ever hear about it elsewhere? Like media or anything? No. No, so it's really just your practice. Okay.