Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 19-year-old male currently looking for work in the US.

If you want to say anything about what you're drawing, that's fine. I'm just doing a grid, pretty much. I'm sorry? Maybe doing a grid. Did you write something there? Yeah. What does it say? Location. I'm writing, "Places near you." Got it. Shopping near you. Then, it's like ... That's pretty much all I can think of. What's the thinking behind this? Like, always, it will, if you have a location, it will show you places near you. Then, of course, it will show shopping near you, but then, you'll need to see the stores and stuff. Okay, cool. Where have you heard about the term algorithm? Online. Can you be more specific at all? I've heard it in a lot of places. Movies, online, and stuff. I'm not sure. Do you think you've ever read an article that mentions it? I think I read something on CNN a while back.