Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 23-year-old female theater assistant in the US.

Which is can you actually, yeah. Can you draw how and algorithm works? Oh, God. [laughs] And I'll leave this on so you can narrate your drawing. Okay. I sort of think an algorithm is like a flow chart, I think, so you've got like all these options of things to click on and each one brings you to other things that you could click on. Oh man, I just really over committed to this drawing. [both laugh] But let's say, you know, this is your... This is an ad for something. And then click on that ad and then Facebook knows we'll gave you this ad next. And then after that, we'll give you this ad next or this is your video, these are your vines. So Facebook knows or Facebook like YouTube, like, here's some more vines, and this is cat videos, but it knows it's going to give you vines instead of cat videos. That's my drawing of an algorithms. So you mentioned algorithms earlier. So what, what do you know about them or how do you know about them? How have you heard about them? That's like such a buzz word. I feel like when people talk about how the Internet works and uses your data. But for me it's sort of like a, it's sort of like an if then statement. So if the user clicks on this thing or puts in this information, then we're going to show the user this next set of information, or we're going to ask the user for this next set of information. So that sort of thing where it's like I click online videos, Facebook knows through that algorithm Facebook is like, all right, we're going to give you more vine videos or Facebook or you know, YouTube has my age on it. So it's like, because if the person is this age show them videos for this, you know, I'm sure if I was like a mother and was watching a lot of baby videos, it would start giving me more information about that. It would maybe even give me like cartoons for the baby to watch, but since I've never clicked on anything like that, I would never get that sort of thing showing up in my account. So where have you learned all this? The stuff about algorithms? I'd say online, also, through people's articles about what... Why you're seeing the ads, you're seeing, the data that other websites have about you. I think also stuff, knowing what things you should and shouldn't click on to. If you're seeing a lot of like click bait or looking at things that seem sketchy that there has been enough education about computer use either from schools or parents or just other people posting information online about what you should and shouldn't click on to know that all of that is stored somewhere.