Drawing Algorithms
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An algorithm, drawn by a 31-year-old female master student of Botany in the US.

Yeah. So, this actually might be very similar to my internet drawing. It's kind of in reverse of that. So, you got dots and lines? Yeah. So, this is basically what we call an umbel in botany. Okay. I think it's just a lot of pieces of information and then kind of a pipeline for how those things intersect or interact with each other to make a product out of that. The algorithm being the pipeline between a bunch of different information that then siphons it into kind of a consolidated piece of information or the other way around. I think it also could go the other way around where you were taking a large set of information and putting it in and it's kind of dispersing it into other parts. Okay. What was the word you used from botany? Oh, an umbel. How do you spell that? U. M. B. E. L. Okay. So, where have you heard of the term algorithm? You brought it up earlier. Yeah, I think I heard of it mostly in terms of advertising and I associate it most with advertising online and also the sort of segregation that happens online. Can you say more about that? It seems like people, and again I don't participate enough to have a really up close understanding of it, but people get kind of, there are a lot of echo chambers on the internet. And there are ways in which people start in one place and kind of end up in these echo chambers based on what they searched originally, or whatever that is. And I think algorithm is kind of a black box term but algorithm for navigating a person from what they searched originally into the sort of where they fit in the internet.